This course will help you navigate through 7 pathways of health, teaching you to think “outside the box” for the root cause of the symptoms. We will look head-to-toe, connecting the dots for healing recommendations including: nutrition, supplements, herbs, homeopathic, other remedies and address even the emotional connection to symptoms that needs cleared. Pamela Wingert, The HealthProfiler, will be teaching the courses of symptoms to solutions for the first six pathways to full health solution. Laura Sonderegger is a sought-after emotional wellness therapist, speaker, and author of the book, Emotional 911: For Parents. An expert in epigenetic reprogramming, Laura has integrated the best and most effective techniques from her training in a host of healing modalities including Neuro-Linguistic Programming (NLP), Energy Freedom Technique (EFT), Reference Point Therapy (RPT), The Emotion and Body Code, Energy Medicine, Positive Psychology, and other healing arts to help others find fast and lasting relief. Laura will be teaching through the emotional wellness section of this course. Symptoms and their solutions we will cover in this course: ACID REFLUX ACNE ADD/ADHD ADRENALS ALLERGY AND SINUS ALOPECIA ALZHEIMER’S & DEMENTIA ANEMA ANXIETY ARTERIES(CLOGGED) BEDWETTING BLOATING/GASSY BLOOD SUGAR BONE SPURS & STONES BOILS BONE GROWTH CANCER CANDIDA-FUNGUS-YEAST CARPAL TUNNEL CHOLESTOROL CROHN’S COLON COUGH/LUNG COVID DANDRUFF DEPRESSION HEADACHES GALLBLADDER LEAKY GUT LOSS OF TASTE OR SMELL LEAKY GUT NIGHTMARES SKIN RASH ECZEMA PARKINSON’S PAIN
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